Friday, November 30, 2012

Complaints, Stupid People and More...

Today's blog may not be the funniest thing out there, but, I have been thinking a lot lately about things that bug me. These things may not bug you, but, they bug me. I am going to list a type of person that bugs me, if it is you, well just realize that this is not aimed at you personally. That's said if you could stop doing the things I mention in here, especially around me, that would be appreciated.

  1. Whiners - I don't care what it is, how much it sucks whining will not help the situation in any way. So stop it!
  2. Lazy People - Here I have the whole self-loathing thing. I can be lazy, but, that said when something needs to get done I do it. I don't like working, yet, every day I drag my ass into work.
  3. Liars - Just shut your big stupid, lying ass up. 
  4. Braggarts - If you want to tell me something cool about yourself...Awesome! That said if you feel the need to tell me multiple times, especially in the same day or week...In the corner and tell the wall, it'll care more.
  5. The Persecuted - Now I don't mean the truly persecuted,  I mean those fuckers who feel the world is out to get them. They use the fact that they are too this or too that in order to make up for their seemingly retarded personal sensibilities. It's everybody's fault, but, their own. I have something you should try...look in a mirror...are you looking? Look yourself in the eyes and then say 'I'm a loser of my own making, today is the day I pull my thumb out of my ass and do/get..." Do that every morning until you reach your goal. It might help, it might not. I will be laughing my ass off thinking of you doing it. Think of yourself as a winner when bringing joy to the world.
  6. Anal Retentive People - Though this sounds dirty it really isn't. For years I thought it was...I wanted to meet an anal retentive girl. Then I did and boy was I surprised, there is nothing cool about being anal retentive. That said if your world requires that you be very precise and everything has to have a place and you will go nuts if your schedule is thrown off in even the littlest way...great, but, leave me out of your sick fantasy. I like things to flow as they do, I like to be spontaneous, I like change. 
  7. Drama Queens - I need to say this very precise and very slowly...THE WORLD DOES NOT REVOLVE AROUND YOU and your made up bullshit drama. You life would be a lot less drama filled if you would just let life be what it is. But, you grew up with everyone telling you that you were a little princess...well guess what princess the boat is gone and your a fat bitch. The fact that your daddy told you that you were his little princess is great, but, just because daddy spoiled you, don't expect that I am going to spoil you. This is life and your over thought princes and princess world just does not exist, Grow up!
That gets us through my on to stupid people...

What makes a person stupid you might ask. Truthfully I think stupid is a way a person is looked upon by others.I think stupid is based on the person looking at another person and their gap in education. If you take a high school drop (HSD) out and a PHD which one is stupider? All depends. The PHD might be book smart and have the common sense of a house fly. The HSD might be very smart, just unable or unwilling to succumb to the status quo. Let's look at a list of people and deem their stupidity level. One being almost no stupidity and 10 being rocks.

  • Albert Einstein - A patent clerk and high school drop out. Rating 1.
  • George HW Bush - 43rd president of the United States, Ivy League educated, member of skulls and bones, idiot. Rating 8.
  • Jack Nicholson - Actor, Lakers Fan. Rating 3.
  • Barack Obama - 44th president of the United States, Ivy League educated, architect of Obama-Care.  Rating 2.
  • Jaxion (me) - Project Manager, Technical College educated, gamer. Rating 4.
As you can see the status in life really has nothing to do with the level of stupidity. You come into your stupidity by lack of common sense. Common sense is not common at all. If your stupid and trust me you won't think you are...try a little common sense when making a decision.

I feel a little better now that I got somethings off my chest. If I offended anyone I am sorry. I was just a=on a venting kick and it needed to be done.

Until Tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. I'm pretty sure I qualify for a lot of the things that irritate you. Good thing you're my friend anyway.
