Friday, November 30, 2012

Complaints, Stupid People and More...

Today's blog may not be the funniest thing out there, but, I have been thinking a lot lately about things that bug me. These things may not bug you, but, they bug me. I am going to list a type of person that bugs me, if it is you, well just realize that this is not aimed at you personally. That's said if you could stop doing the things I mention in here, especially around me, that would be appreciated.

  1. Whiners - I don't care what it is, how much it sucks whining will not help the situation in any way. So stop it!
  2. Lazy People - Here I have the whole self-loathing thing. I can be lazy, but, that said when something needs to get done I do it. I don't like working, yet, every day I drag my ass into work.
  3. Liars - Just shut your big stupid, lying ass up. 
  4. Braggarts - If you want to tell me something cool about yourself...Awesome! That said if you feel the need to tell me multiple times, especially in the same day or week...In the corner and tell the wall, it'll care more.
  5. The Persecuted - Now I don't mean the truly persecuted,  I mean those fuckers who feel the world is out to get them. They use the fact that they are too this or too that in order to make up for their seemingly retarded personal sensibilities. It's everybody's fault, but, their own. I have something you should try...look in a mirror...are you looking? Look yourself in the eyes and then say 'I'm a loser of my own making, today is the day I pull my thumb out of my ass and do/get..." Do that every morning until you reach your goal. It might help, it might not. I will be laughing my ass off thinking of you doing it. Think of yourself as a winner when bringing joy to the world.
  6. Anal Retentive People - Though this sounds dirty it really isn't. For years I thought it was...I wanted to meet an anal retentive girl. Then I did and boy was I surprised, there is nothing cool about being anal retentive. That said if your world requires that you be very precise and everything has to have a place and you will go nuts if your schedule is thrown off in even the littlest way...great, but, leave me out of your sick fantasy. I like things to flow as they do, I like to be spontaneous, I like change. 
  7. Drama Queens - I need to say this very precise and very slowly...THE WORLD DOES NOT REVOLVE AROUND YOU and your made up bullshit drama. You life would be a lot less drama filled if you would just let life be what it is. But, you grew up with everyone telling you that you were a little princess...well guess what princess the boat is gone and your a fat bitch. The fact that your daddy told you that you were his little princess is great, but, just because daddy spoiled you, don't expect that I am going to spoil you. This is life and your over thought princes and princess world just does not exist, Grow up!
That gets us through my on to stupid people...

What makes a person stupid you might ask. Truthfully I think stupid is a way a person is looked upon by others.I think stupid is based on the person looking at another person and their gap in education. If you take a high school drop (HSD) out and a PHD which one is stupider? All depends. The PHD might be book smart and have the common sense of a house fly. The HSD might be very smart, just unable or unwilling to succumb to the status quo. Let's look at a list of people and deem their stupidity level. One being almost no stupidity and 10 being rocks.

  • Albert Einstein - A patent clerk and high school drop out. Rating 1.
  • George HW Bush - 43rd president of the United States, Ivy League educated, member of skulls and bones, idiot. Rating 8.
  • Jack Nicholson - Actor, Lakers Fan. Rating 3.
  • Barack Obama - 44th president of the United States, Ivy League educated, architect of Obama-Care.  Rating 2.
  • Jaxion (me) - Project Manager, Technical College educated, gamer. Rating 4.
As you can see the status in life really has nothing to do with the level of stupidity. You come into your stupidity by lack of common sense. Common sense is not common at all. If your stupid and trust me you won't think you are...try a little common sense when making a decision.

I feel a little better now that I got somethings off my chest. If I offended anyone I am sorry. I was just a=on a venting kick and it needed to be done.

Until Tomorrow...

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Animal's Versus Humans

On my drive into work today I was's a dangerous pastime I know. Then I drove by a house and saw about 6 turkey's walking around in some person's front yard. I think it is another step in Humans versus Animal's. I know you're thinking "what are you talking about?". Well, I have noticed over the past years since I was a child that Animal's seem to be moving into our living spaces. I often wonder when we hear that someone was eaten by a bear, attacked by a cougar (the Animal, not some hot 40 year old woman) or some similar attack. Is it the Animal's or the Humans who are getting into the others space. I think that as we as Humans start to spread out further and further from our city centrals we encroach upon the land of the Animal's they are doing just what they have always done and that is eat when they are hungry. If we stop dragging our asses out to the country side and just stay in our cities I think the amount of attacks on Humans by Animal's will decrease significantly. However, I think the amount of lung cancer and poisoning of the environment will be on the rise. What is the answer? Simple...kill and eat the Animal's before they kill and eat us. It really isn't that abnormal. Animal's are super tasty and we have guns. I am a proud member of P.E.T.A.
Now don't get all up in my face, this is a blog that is meant to be funny. Funny to who you may ask? Well, funny to me for the most part. If you enjoy it and I hope you do, then great. If you don't read another one and you may enjoy that one. Let's not judge together, let's laugh together.

I have now paid up on my bet. I ordered both albums from this morning to pay up on my bet, that I lost to my daughter. I am afraid that now I will hear even more One Direction than before, but, hopefully, it will mean that the computer is open more often for more than playing One Direction songs and videos.  

The show that I am in Irish/Italian Wedding: A Climate for Murder is coming along splendidly and I think that you...yes you, should get your tickets and come see it during it's run on December 7 - 9 at 7:00pm. Get your tickets here! The cast is great and the show is funny. Come help us put on a great interactive show. That's right you get to be part of it!

Until Tomorrow...

Monday, November 26, 2012

No Shave November and More...

Day 26 of no shave November is here. There is only 4 days left. Friday is the end. I am putting a question out to all of you. On December 1st I will be shaving my head and losing all this annoying hair. But that leaves my facial hair and here is the big question...what should I do? I refuse to be completely shaven! I look like a 12 year old cue ball. So I am going to let my followers on the blog and on twitter and my friends on Facebook vote on a few styles or give their own suggestions. Here are my choices and feel free to suggest others. No specific order...

  1. Full Beard - No hair, full beard
  2. Van Dyke 
  3. Soul Patch
  4. Mustache
  5. Mutton Chops
  6. Suggestions?
I will wear the facial hair style that wins for one month and on January 1st 2013 I will go back to my normal hair/facial hair styles that I see fit.

I will take this time to discuss a bet that I made with my daughter. She was driving me cray talking about this band she obsesses over. It is called One Direction and from what I have garnered from her insistent talking they are a band from England, except for on of them who is from Ireland. The best way to explain the band is a Boy Band and she would be a fan girl. Better known in their own ranks as a Directioner. The worst thing you can be is a Directionater. You see a Directionater is one who thinks they are a Directioner. It seems that I am no longer allowed at my daughters wedding to Liam (one of the members) because I might have suggested that she would never marry the young man and if she did I wanted a large dowery in the form of a check. I was informed that I would be giving her away via some sort of audio media and/or perhaps Skype. I digress, the bet was that she could not go a whole day with out talking about, looking at pictures of, listening to the music of One Direction. The bet was that if she won she got the extended version of both of the One Direction CD's. If I was right she would pay me $8.00. I figured it was easy money for me. That said I lost. She went from wake up to bed time Sunday without uttering one thing about One Direction. She won, I must now pay up and buy her the CD's. I don't get how bets with children work. I am out approximately $30, she would be out $8. The things we do for our children. Because we love them.

As a side note, I know so little about One Direction I am lower than a Directionater. :-)

Reality has finally struck, it's Monday and the Holiday is over. 4 days off and now I am back at work...somebody shoot me!

Remember, looking for 100 followers, please follow and pass around to your friends...See here for directions on following.

Until Tomorrow...

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Turkey Hang Over Zone and More

Thanksgiving has come and gone...We are in the Turkey Hang Over Zone (THOZ). THOZ is that time of the year where everything you eat seems to have a bit of turkey in it. You know the carb sandwich, stuffing, mashed potatoes, turkey, and gravy on bread...yes, all part of the THOZ. Eating pie at every meal because you made too many and nobody is willing to take them home. You know the pies you find hidden your trunk because you didn't want to take a pie home with you so a relative found your keys and hid three in your trunk? Yes, part of the THOZ. How are we to combat things such as THOZ? Well, you have two options. Option 1: simply take the food and donate it to some organization that can use the food. I suggest the Women's Community of Central Wisconsin; Neighbor's Place; The Open Door; or many of the churches in Wausau or your community. It puts all that food to good use. Option 2: Eat it, love it, take the few extra pounds enter with open arms the THOZ! Sure, your bound to gain a few extra pounds, sure you may irritate your bowels, sure you may have a myocardial infraction. All those things are simply side effects of a very filling and satisfying few days. So either way is up to you, but, especially please try to remember those places that need our help during the holiday's. So live the THOZ or live a better life...or both!

Top Ten List of Joke Punch Lines by These Guys

10. Hide his food stamp sunder his boots.
9. Hit an Ethiopian int he face with a frying pan.
8. There hands make your dick look bigger.
7. Now wash your hands and make me a cheese sandwich.
6. You just KNOW she'll swallow.
5. I was giving a blow job to a Chinese guy, and he threw up on me.
4. A pizza doesn't scream when you put it in an oven.
3. I don't ejaculate on an apple before I eat it.
2.  They both disappear after a hot shower.
1. One scoop of ice cream and 2 scoops of dead baby.

Sorry it's so short today, but, I am trying to blog with a house full of people (the best of friends). I am drawn from here to there...

Until Tomorrow...

Friday, November 23, 2012

Thanksgiving and Today

We are in the 23rd day of No Shave November and honestly I am not happy with my progress. I have one week left to this and though the cause is important (Men's Health, in case you have forgotten) I feel as thought in a month I could garner more than what some people have called "my 5 O'clock shadow". That said I ma not discouraged nor should men out there give up on taking care of themselves. I will attempt to share a picture on the last day of this progress in order for you to help me. See in one week I will be polling my readers here and my friends on Facebook as to how I will wear my facial hair for the next month. I refuse to cut it off entirely unless of course someone could show me a real good reason why in a 2 - 3 page paper. More on that in the days to come.

A few months back I found someone I had been looking for a long time. A friend I made when I was working in Eau Claire, WI. I have to thank the thing that brought us back together...yes thing. You see we reestablished our connection due to a email virus. His email account sent a virus out to all the emails in his address book. Though I had lost his email he still had my wife's work email. She knew I had been looking for him and since she is the wonderful women she is, she emailed him back and they tried to hatch a plan. Eventually, we found each other again and I have a computer virus and my wife to thank in helping me track this old friend down. You might ask why I bring this up here, truth is...I'm thankful I was able to find him again. You know who you are and if you read this I love ya buddy.

This brings me into a few thoughts about thanksgiving. It was a wonderful day and though we ate a lot we had a lot of good conversation and great food. I spent time with most of my family and with my wife's family on Thanksgiving. Now we have friends coming over for the extended weekend. One of them are here and another set will arrive tonight. Festivities will be had by all. This looks to be a tiring and amazing weekend. I'll give you updates as the weekend unfolds.

I have been talking about Irish/Italian Wedding: A Climate for Murder. Tonight, I want to highlight one of the people in the play David Drews (Here ya go Dave just as I promised). Dave plays the father of the bride and the proverbial corpse of the play. I won't talk much more about Dave's role as it may just ruin the play. I have known Dave now for about 6 or 7 years I guess and have worked with him on many shows for WCT and a few independents and now in Arista! Players. Dave is a real professional and has done many things in the theater from set construction to sound and lights. He even built the entire set for my WCT production of Over the River and Through the Woods. Without him I don't think that show would have gone on.I hope now that he takes the stage in Irish/Italian he shines there as he has behind the scenes, "Give 'em Hell Enzo!"

Top Ten List of Cheesy Pick Up Lines by Jaxion...

10. So you got any German in you? Would you like to!
9. Are you tired? Why? You been running through my dreams all night.
8. Hey baby what's your sign?
7. Are you from Tennessee? 'Cause your the only 10 I see!
6. You must be a star. You look like you feel from Heavens.
5. Is your dad an art thief? Because your a masterpiece.
4. I got skittles in my mouth, wanna taste the rainbow?
3. Do I know you? Because you look a lot like my next girlfriend.
2. Are you a parking ticket? Because you got FINE written all over you.
1. Are those space pants? Because your ASS is out of this world!

Remember the push to 100 followers is still on. As soon as I make 20 the first prize will be given out. If you still need help here is the link.

Until Tomorrow...

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Irish/Italian Wedding and More...

So as I mentioned in yesterday's blog, I am doing a show that is partly scripted and partly improvised. If your a fan of shows like Tony and Tina's Wedding you'll love Irish/Italian Wedding: A Climate for Murder. I play the role of Mickey O'Shannahan the father of the bride. Don't get me wrong I am thrilled to be part of this show. I am also saddened by the fact that I can be cast as a father...of a full grown woman. I am 36, but, I always thought I looked younger than my age. And if you look at it in theory if I had a daughter when I was 18, she would be 18 now as well. I just get a little downtrodden thinking that I look as if I could be the father of an adult. That said I think you should all come see the show, it is very funny and the talent in the show is amazing. The show is December 7-8-9 and cost is $35 per plate. The dinners are amazing. So get tickets for those you love and make it a great date night. Dinner and a show! Get Your tickets here.

My thought of Thanksgiving today is this...I am thankful for my job. Yes, I know you are all saying how can you possibly be thankful for going to work. Well, let's see if I can explain it. I have a beautiful family. I love them more than anything, so with my job I am able to give them a life, a decent life I think. My job allows me to do that. I was raised that you provide for yourself, you don't let others provide for you. My job allows me  to do that as well. I really like my co-workers and my boss is amazing as bosses go. All those things together make me thankful for my job. That said I really would rather stay home and play games over actually going to work. See thankfulness is a lot different than enjoyment.

Yeah, I received this from my wife and I thought it was cute and pertinent. I love me some Jesus and this made me laugh. Take it for what it is worth.

A final thought take this time of year to let those you hold dear and love that you do indeed love them and hold them dear. Take this time to show them as well that they are important to you. Laugh, Live and Love. Words to live by.

Until Tomorrow...

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

This One Goes to 11!

I watched one of the best put together mockumentary last night. It stars Micheal McKean, Christopher Guest and Harry Shearer. It was released in 1984, ran for 1 hour and 23 minutes and is rated R. What is this wonderful, marvelous and juicy show? THIS IS SPINAL TAP! Spinal Tap is the brain child of director Rob Reiner and most of the actors portraying the lead characters.

Spinal Tap Line Up:
David St. Hubbins (Vocals/Rythm Guitar)- Micheal McKean
Nigel Tufnel (Lead Guitar) - Christopher Guest
Derek Smalls (Bass) - Harry Shearer
Mick Shrimpton (Drums) - R.J. Parnell (Drummer for Atomic Rooster)
Viv Savage (Keyboards) - David Kaff

This is a movie following the band on another American tour and the issues and problems that may arise. The tour schedule looked something like this...
New York
Boston - Cancelled "That's ok, Boston isn't a big school town anyway".
Durham, NC
Memphis - Cancelled, still arguing over the cover of new album
St. Louis - Cancelled
Kansas City - Cancelled
Des Moines - Cancelled
Seattle - For an Army base mixer...
This movie strikes out at every stereotype that has to do with heavy metal and rock and roll. From the over powering girlfriend, to the useless manager, to struggles with in the band and groupies. It is worth a watch, I recommend it highly if you have a sense of humor and you like metal music, there is quite a bit of that and honestly its not too bad. I give this movie 3.5/5 stars.

Last night, I also went to my eldest daughters fall concert. I have to say I love the way concerts get better as the kids get older as far as singing ability goes. I will say however that they are not as amusing as when they are little. When they are little they are so excited just to get up there and so excited to be a part of it. Sure the singing has much to be desired, but, it's cute. Now, they don't smile, they act as if they would rather have red hot pokers stuck under their fingernails then be there making the wonderful sounds they can now make. I wish that children could see how great they have it now, they would smile a whole lot more.

I have accepted a role working with the Artista! Players for a show on December 7/8/9. Check out the show Irish/Italian Wedding - A Climate for Murder. I will be playing the father of the bride Mickey O'Shannahan. This is a murder mystery and a dinner theater. So please come check it out.

Coming up in January the local group of gaming kids I work with are putting on EverCon 13! See what is in store for you here. It will be 2 days of the most exciting gaming in the area, not to mention vendors, artists and more. January 11th 6pm to 10pm and January 12th 8am - 10pm. Come on out.

Until Tomorrow...

Monday, November 19, 2012

Thanksgiving Week and More...

With this being Thanksgiving week I have decided to do a daily what I am thankful for blog post. It won't be everything for my blog, but, I think at this time of year we should take a moment and think about all the good things we have around us.

On this Monday of Thanksgiving week I am thankful for my friends. I have many, many friends and I believe that if the time ever comes and I need them they will be there. I love each and every one of them. Differently, mind you. They are the people I think of when I am interested in having fun, having good conversations, etc. With the holiday season around I find that I am a more sentimental type of person and  though it allows me to be thankful for what I have I also hate it just as much.  That however, is a different blog post. Once again, I want to thank you my friends for being my friends and being the people you are. That said your all a bunch of PF's! That's for a certain group of friends you know who you are and you know what it means. Love you all!

Enough with the super sappy (though I am sure there will be much more this week).

Not much to talk about today so I'll just say I am looking forward to the long weekend, the shopping (if I find anything worth dragging my ass out of bed at 3 am for), the friends and family that we get to see over the weekend. For those of you that have to work over the weekend, I totally feel for you. I have worked a fair number of Black Friday's in the past. Just remember that instead of spending all your money during this time you are helping others spend their money. Awesome!

Plantains are bananas, get over it. Granted not as sweet as a traditional banana, but, a banana all the same.

I have started using my twitter account earlier than planned, I am using it for the ability to get my blog out to more people at present. Starting December 1st, I will use it for more things. You can find me, I am Jaxion @welcomemindmare. I ask that you follow me there too. I want Welcome to Mind-Mare to be a sort of revolution. A revolution bringing people together for some serious shit and some not so serious shit.

Blog: Read it, Love it, Follow it! (Drive to get 100 followers!)
Quiet Riot: Cum on Feel the Noize!
Thanksgiving Week: Take a moment to remember why we celebrate.

Until Tomorrow...

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Blog Adjustments and More!

It has been brought to my attention by my followers that it may have been hard to read the blog because of the color set up. So I have tweaked it a little bit and hope it is easier to read and enjoy.

You ever have on of those days where you feel like the world is just passing you by? Where you feel like everything is happening around you and your not included? I've been having one of those years I think. I feel like I am always missing out on something. It's not that my life consists only of going to work and home. I have a full plate of things that I do. I am in Martial Arts, I teach religious education, I role-play, I bowl and I work with kids at a local junior high/high school. So it's not like I am not an active guy. So what's the issue you may ask. I have been thinking about that a lot lately and come to the conclusion that is my job. That 9 -5 thing that kind of defines who you are. When you meet someone do they ask you how your home life is? Do they ask you how your social life is? No they ask you "So what do you do for a living?". I'm guilty of it too and I'm sure most of the rest of your are too.

So why do we do that? Why do we ask about what they do for a living? I have a theory. It might not be the greatest theory out there and it might be wrong, but, it is my theory none the less. I think were afraid to get to know people on the level it would take to ask the other questions. Why are we afraid? Because we are so afraid to get close to people to become kindred with people that we allow ourselves to become superficial in our relationships. We allow ourselves to just let people be on the fringes of our lives and never accept them into our lives as true friends. OK, enough soap box for today's blog entry.

Top 10 Drinks According to Jaxion...

10. Water
9. Kool-Aid
8. Water Joe (Caffeinated Water)
7. Decaffeinated Coffee
6. Orange Juice
5. Vodka
4. Cranberry Juice
3. Powerade Zero
2. Milk
1. Coffee

GO PACK GO! If your not a Packer fan, it's OK nobodies perfect!

Until Tomorrow...

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Praise for Local Business and More!

Ah my true followers, you will be here even though today is Saturday and you are not at work. Like I have said this is a story of no story. That's right my blog is kind of like an episode of Seinfeld. Pointless. Funny, but, pointless. That's ok! We can have fun anyway. I have had some feed back on one of my top 10 lists. Great, he even claims he will make a post on it when he can. I have only one thing to say...he's wrong. I said it was a top 10 list of my all time greatest bands. That means that my list is perfect for me. Just a little jab at ya old friend.

I am a fan of many things, but, the thing that has been y focus as of late is coffee. I went this morning to one of my favorite coffee shops in town. Biggby's. Biggby's is owned by Thomas Belognia. Tom is a wonderful man, he is a kind heart and a great friend. That aside I love the coffee at Tom's coffee house. He owns several through the state of Wisconsin, with many more to come I am sure. If you live in Central Wisconsin you should definitely seek one of Tom's Biggby's out. Today I tried a new coffee called Snow Mint Mocha is was awesome. The coffee at Biggby's is just right, not too strong and not bitter like some other coffee chains...**cough**Starbucks**cough**

Snow Mint Mocha is a nice blend of coffee, white chocolate and peppermint. I had mine hot, you can get them hot, cold or iced. Cold is like a slushy great during the summertime. Biggby's is more than just great coffee, they have latte's, they have creme freezes and some food. Their Bragels are to die for. Beef and provolone is awesome!

Gaming...Once a month I have been running a game called High School of the Damned by Ben Schultz (of the Green Bay Schultz's) and Erisian Entertainment. I suggest you check their stuff out. That said I love this game. Maybe because it is set at the onset of the Zombie Apocalypse or maybe because it is set in Green Bay, WI or probably because it is set in reality (other than the zombies, but, hey we all know it's coming). That's right the gamers are simple high school students who end up living through the first wave of the onset.  Then it up to the Zombie Master (ZM) that's me to scare and freak the living Jebus out of the players. I think it is going well so far. One of the players has already been attacked by his father and watched in horror as his sister and mother started to reanimate. I think it was as freaky for the player as for his character, he managed to survive it...for now.

Civilization IV - play it, love it.
How I Met Your Mother - Watch it, love it.
This Blog - Read it, Love it, Follow it.

Until Tomorrow...

Friday, November 16, 2012

David Eddings and Jay Merin

David Eddings (1931 - 2009) was a celebrated author of one of my favorite series of books. He wrote The Belgariad and The Mallorean as well as the supplemental books to the series Belgarath the Sorcerer and Polgara  the Sorceress. I am currently listening to the The Pawn of Prophecy which is book one of the Belagariad. It is nice to listen to someone read it to me using voices and context. I have read the entire 12 book series twice. So, now I will save my eyes and listen to the twelve books. It will be a nice couple of months. (I only listen to books at work). If you want to know more about David and his wife Leigh (She helped write all the books I believe) check here Wikipedia. I suggest any fantasy fan read these books, if you have them again. Here is a complete list of the books.


  • Pawn of Prophecy (1982)
  • Queen of Sorcery (1982)
  • Magician's Gambit (1983)
  • Castle of Wizardry (1984)
  • Enchanter's End Game (1984)

  • Guardian of the West (1987)
  • King of the Murgos (1988)
  • Demon Lord of Karanda (1988)
  • Sorceress of Darshiva (1989)
  • The Seerees of Kell (1991)
Other Books:

  • Belgarath the Sorcerer (1995)
  • Polgara the Sorceress (1997)
  • The Rivan Codex - Background material for the Belgariad and Mallorean (1999)
That's for old authors and now on to a new author Jay Merin. Jay is a friend of mine. I have know him since I was a small boy in grade school. lost touch for many years and in the last few years have reestablished contact. Jay is a budding author and he needs your help go here to Jay Merin's Blog and see his request. I suggest that if you haven't read his novel that you buy it and read it. I am purchasing the digital copy myself from (link on Jay's Website) or the print book from the same link. Jay's book is called Unrequited. It looks like a great book and I am looking forward to reading it.

Here is a synopsis of the book:
Mason has a past. Having fled his home he now lives out a lonely, isolated existence, doing his best to remain invisible, while watching the world pass him by with an increasingly cynical detachment. At least until a remarkable young woman captivates his attention.

Shayla has a future. With a career, good friends and a fiancé she adores, she loves her life and really wants for nothing. But for some time now something has been watching her, drawn to something about her that makes her unique.

When Mason’s world violently collides with Shayla’s, his past threatens to destroy her future. To set things right Mason must come to terms with and atone for what he had done while Shayla must find an inner strength she never knew existed within her. And the only thing either of them can rely on is each other.

Go get the book, read it! Then do as Jay asks!

Finally today I have been asking you to follow my blog, it was brought to my attention that perhaps you already think you are following my blog. To do so on Blogger it is a little different. I am going to post here how to do it.

Follow blogs

Following a blog shows authors and readers of the blog that you're a fan, and you can keep track of the blogs you follow via your Reading List on the Blogger dashboard. Following a blog will also create a subscription to the blog in your Google Reader account.

How do I follow blogs?

There are several ways to follow a blog. One of the easiest ways is to visit a blog that has added the Following widget and click on the "Join this site" button under the "Followers" widget:
After you sign in with your Google Account (or another account if you so choose), you'll then see a popup window with the options to either follow publicly or privately.
Select how you'd like to follow the blog, then click the "Follow this blog" button. If you elected to follow the blog publicly, your profile picture will be displayed on the blog with a link to your Blogger profile or Google+ profile (if you've opted to link your blog to your Google+ profile). When you become a follower of a blog, the blog will also be added to your Reading List on your Blogger dashboard. You can become a follower of any blog or URL (even if the blog doesn't have the Followers widget) by adding the blog to your Reading List on the dashboard.

So please follow me! Remember, that every 20 followers is a random chance to win a prize. For the first 100!

Until Tomorrow...

Thursday, November 15, 2012

ZRD and Father Issues

Check out Zombie Roller Derby web page and get tuned into an awesome board game. It has everything you want in a board game. Its got action, it's got replay ability, it's got hot zombie girls.What else could you possibly want in a board game? Maybe it would help you if you knew someone who was involved in the creation of the game? Well, here I am. It is my brain child. My concept and Carl's rules. Carl better known as Simon T. Vesper is the genius behind the rule set. You can look at the rule set, see the board and some of the art work out at this website. The more of you that come and check this out, pass it around, tell your friends the faster this will become a reality. A great game with roller derby, Molotov cocktails, gun shots and the occasional loose zombies...come check it out. That is my shameless pitch for this.
Facebook page: ZRD on Facebook

Top 10 Bands of All Time as per Jaxion...

10. Gun's N Roses (Circa 1990)
9. Oasis
8. Nirvana
7. Twisted Sister
6. Van Halen (David Lee Roth Years)
5. Areosmith
4. Poison
3. Black Sabbath
2. Bon Jovi
1. The Beatles

The brain goes where the brain goes. The brain is in a frenzy today. I want to talk about the trip I am going on in April. My youngest daughter and I will be heading to Gettysburg, PA and Hershey, PA. This is technically a  school trip. She will be doing a project related to both locations. In Gettysburg we will be checking out the battlefield and some of the museums in the area. We will also be checking out the cemetery where a goodly number of the fallen soldiers from the civil war are buried. We will be doing that for (2) days.  Then, from there we will head up to Hershey. We are going to spend one day in the Hershey museum to learn about the history of the city and the candy factory that is still there today. Then our last day will be spent at the Hershey Amusement Park. The fun of the trip. I am hoping this trip will be as much fun for her as I am hoping it will be as I am planning it. I also hope this will be a chance for her and I to bond.

As my girls get older I feel more like they want less to do with me. I know it is part of growing up and that they need their space. I want them to remember that I am there for them, there if they need to talk. That I love them and they mean the world to me. That I do a lot of what I do in my life to make their lives better. I want them to have a childhood they want to remember, they remember fondly.

Thanks for reading my little father issues...
Until Tomorrow...

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


So today I saw on a website Think Geek that they are selling Unicorn Meat. You can see the item here...Think Geek. It is obviously not real unicorn meat since that would cost way to much. In this case it is a display tin with a dismembered stuffed unicorn inside. It looks sealed on the website but it is possible that you can open it and look at the little dismembered unicorn.

That got me to thinking...what other mystical creatures would taste good. Here is my Top 10 list of good tasting mythical creatures. With Thanksgiving right around the corner you may want to try one of these this year instead of a boring ham or turkey.

10. Leprechaun - They're magically delicious!
9. Were-Tiger - You'll want to eat this in a completely different way.
8. Dragons -  Tough on the outside, chewy in the middle.
7. Tieflings - Humonoid, but, evil lineage. So like cannibalism, but, not really!
6. Unicorn - We know the meat is tasty! Ground horn for seasoning?
5. Jackalolpe - Is it rabbit, is it antelope? Who cares it's tasty!
4. Halflings - Remove hair from feet, slow roast and enjoy.
3. Centaurs - Is this horse meat? Nope it 1/2 a world better!
2. Kraken - Slimy and it will fight you, but, tasty in the end.
1. Browines/Pixies/Fairies - I think Brownies says it all!

Well, that was fun. I really start enjoying this time of year. The days get shorter the nights get longer. The wind takes on that fall smell, followed by the crisp smell of snow in the air. Gotta love fall. The world is going into a state of hibernation and she begins to renew herself for spring. Soon she will sleep, she will rest and she will dream. A dream of a new life of a new time. Mother Earth may be going to sleep, but, like the majestic Phoenix she will rise again.

Watched an episode of Warehouse 13 last night. It is a SyFy Original series.Recently it has begun it's 4th season. I have started watching it from the beginning on Netflix. I have completed one season and headed onto the next. I am not going to breakdown any one episode, but, the series as a whole. The main good guys are Artie, Myka, Pete, Leena, Claudia They are the agents and caretakers of Warehouse 13. As the name suggests there have been 12 other warehouses and they have been abandoned (or lost as in the case of warehouse 2). They scoure the world looking for artifacts that cause bad things to happen. Once they find said artifact the agents (Artie, Pete and Myka) the finish off the little ditty by bagging the artifact and then securely retaining the artifact in the warehouse. So the general concept is Find it, bag and tag it. The interesting thing is other than McPhearson (an old warehouse agent gone rogue) there is no bad guy except the artifacts. Most made to better humanity, but, because they were too strong or made wrong they cause problems. I say if you like steampunk and like history and different ways of problem solving you'll lve Warehouse 13, give it a watch.

Please watch for my twitter account welcomemindmare or @jaxion find me follow me.

The Devil wears Prada or so I hear.
Until Tomorrow...

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The Amazing Jonathan and More!

To begin with I have to say that I feel like I have a lot to say today, but, I can't quite put the thoughts together in a coherent string. If I type slow please be kind and read slow. It will make it easier for all of us involved.

Last night we sat down and watched Comedy Central's Special The Amazing Jonathan! I have seen his show before and I enjoy his style of comedy. I will admit that he is not a normal stand-up comic though. He mixes an irreverent view with illusion. He does a disappearing act, some card tricks and he eats razor blades.  He is crude and curses the audience. You think you know what he is doing, but, then he proves you wrong.He flips off the audience not only with his own hand, but, with a remote control device with 6 hands all flipping the audience off. I find his style of humor different than anything else out there and I like that.

Twitter: So I have been thinking about starting a Welcome to my Mind-Mare twitter feed.  I think if I do that I can garner more interest in my daily blog. So I believe this will so be on the horizon for Welcome to my Mind-Mare. Look for it!

What will it take to get followers to my blog? Maybe I am thinking too much about this. Obviously, I am getting read with almost 300 page views to date, it means people are reading. What will it take to get you to follow? Leave a comment and let me know.

Top 10 List of Board Games according to Jaxion:
10. Fluxx (any version)
9. Arkham Horror
8. Monopoly
7. Game Design: the Shafting
6. Euro-Rails
5. Dominion (any version)
4. Trivial Pursuit
3.  Red Dragon Inn
2. Empire Builder
1. Fury of Dracula
If you want to know anymore about any of these games check out Boardgame Geek at

Now I want to talk about the game I am working on currently with my business partner Carl Olson. It is called Zombie Roller Derby and you can read about it through our website i take credit for the idea, but, the main body of work has been done by Carl. The rules set has undergone many changes and we think we are narrowing in on a final set. We have secured the help of two wonderfully talented artists. Jenny Thorne (UK Based) and Sara Woolley (NYC Based). The art will be fantastic the rules will be the best that can be done and honestly the game will be a lot of fun. Please get interested in it's development because it will be here sooner than you can imagine.

Until Tomorrow...

Monday, November 12, 2012

Day 12

Today is November 12 2012 and also the 12th day for No Shave November. I have finally gotten over the itchy part of beard growth...However, I will see this through even though I am not a big facial hair guy, except for the 3 day growth because I am lazy and don't want to shave. I have been doing a picture timeline on Facebook so if you want a laugh go ahead and check it out. This is not a laughing matter though. the reason I am growing facial hair is to bring attention to male health issues. It is important gentlemen to get checked out every year. Go see your doctor and have him give you a once over, tune you up, change your oil. If your over 40 especially go see a doctor once a year. Over 50? A must. Get your colonoscopy, get those tests they could save your life. Also, men of al ages give yourself a self testicular exam every few months, any changes get it checked out...not to mention it doesn't feel so bad! Sorry, couldn't resist.

I watched THE WIZ a 1978 retelling of the wonderful Wizard of Oz. A series of books by L. Frank Baum. It's a story of a 24 year old school teacher (Diana Ross) who lives with her Aunt Em and Uncle Henry in New York City somewhere north of 125th Street. Thanksgiving evening (maybe it was Christmas) her dog Toto escapes the apartment and runs off into a blizzard. Dorthy (Ross) runs off after the dog. The snow picks up and then she is swept away by a snow tornado and whisked off to Oz. Which more resembles a graffiti cover playground somewhere in New York then say the beautiful world of the 1939 Wizard of Oz gave us. Much of what we know was there the Scarecrow (Micheal Jackson), The Tinman (Nipsy Russell) and the Cowardly Lion (Ted Ross) The Witch of the East; Evermean her sister the Wicked Witch of the West Evilene (Mabel King) and of course the Wizard (Richard Pryor). Plus all the additionals the munchkins, the flying monkeys and more. I could go through the plot but you know it.

I will say that when I finished watching it last night I was less than impressed. I enjoyed the music Disco/souly kind of stuff. Wonderful music. Then I reflected and this is why I don't write reviews immediately after seeing a movie. I then made a real in-depth thought...not all movies are made for me. I mean I am a white male. This was a black movie. That may sound racist, but, its not. This was made for black people during a time when they didn't feel like they could relate to the classic stories that we had grown up to. So it's not fair for me to really say if it is a good movie or not. I leave that to you loyal reader...if you want to watch I recommend you do, if you want to take a pass on this one I would understand.

Here is a quote to think about. I live by it, it might work for you.

"Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience." Samuel Clemens aka Mark Twain

Another quote that kind of describes my life is this.

We play games because we've seen the alternative and we know full well what happens to those of us who allow the threads of childhood to slip from our grasp. Their games go unplayed, dragons left unslain and whole worlds remain undiscovered as they resign themselves to a fate worse than any punishment imaginable: they become adults." Coyote: Massive Gamer Magazine

Again I appeal to you to follow this blog. I am aiming for 100 followers by March 31, 2013. We together can make it happen. If you enjoy this please keep reading and please take a second to follow me. I will also send out gifts when I hit 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100 followers. It will be a random draw from the pool of followers so the sooner you enter the better your odds of winning.

Until tomorrow...

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Veteran's Day and Top 10 Days of the Year

A quick word about Veteran's Day. I want to thank all active and retired military people out there. I know that you hear this a lot this time of year and I am sure not so much any other time. Honestly, I think that sucks pretty hardcore. I try to say thank you to any soldier current or past that has help protect my freedoms. I would like to take a moment right now to thank my older brother. He served 4 years in the Army. Spent time in S. Korea as well as time in Operation Desert Storm. Next a personal thank you to my business partner and my friend Carl. A brilliant man who has walked away from his life to protect ours on foreign soil. Carl is and has been in Egypt for the last almost year. He was there during the Arab Spring uprising and works with the US National Guard to make Egypt safe for her people. I send a heart felt thank you out to Carl as well. Thank you buddy...see you in a couple months. For anyone who has been there and laid down their lives and especially those who have lost their lives in defense of this; of my country I am forever in your debt.

Next is a mixed bag of information.
Platypus: Um...was the architect drunk that day?
Koala Bears: They need saving
One Direction: OMCarrots!! how much longer will my girls be addicted to that?
New Jersey/New York: Stop fucking off and turn the lights on!
Larry King: Is he still alive?
King Tut: Is he still alive? I figure since they are approximately the same age it's a fair question.

Last night I had a doozey of a dream. I was caught in a job working for my current company and they decided I should go pull 3 months in Alaska. I was all for it and they didn't tell me what the job was. I figured we do cabling, what could be so bad about that. Boy, was I wrong! I spent days drilling safety holes underground so we could put wall hangers in and secure the wire we still had to pull. I was working with one of the guys I have worked with many times and some old guy who looked like a cross between Jerry Garcia (the late years) and a prospector. Man he was a dick. Anyway, about 2 weeks in as we are getting ready to go down the shaft yet again into the darkness and noises that accompany you underground, Nikki shows up. In her Chevy Cobolt just to say hi. She drove from Wisconsin to Alaska to say hi. She stayed for about 2 minutes and then headed back to Wisconsin (she had a class the next day). Strange right?

Top Ten Day's of the Year as per me!

10. Cinco De Mayo-A day to eat turkey and mayo on wheat bread.
9. Boxing Day-Right! Shall we box your ears? (all in a British accent since it is a British holiday)
8. Black Friday-On your marks, get set, SHOP!! Well, it better than Black Monday.
7. Columbus Day-In 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue...I think he would have preferred motor boats over what he had, but, he got the job done.
6. Independence Day-Woo-Hoo Fireworks, Demo Derby's and beer! Lots and Lots of BEER!!
5. New Year's Eve-The night you look at your life through beer-goggles and say I need to change! Then by the end of January your still the same person. It's ok, your among your own kind.
4. Christmas Eve-A wonderful time of year spent shopping in a panic and wrapping gifts until 3 am. You know who you are.
3. New Years Day-Happy HANGOVER! Ouch! Can you say that a little quieter?
2. Christmas-The day finally arrives and you rake in like a millionaire! Only problem is you still didn't get enough and that one thing you really wanted they didn't even get you. Life is so unfair! Through it all you even forget the real reason for the season...Jesus.
1. Halloween-Ghouls, goblins and free candy. What's wrong with that? Just don't take the candy from the guy in the van down by the river!

Until tomorrow...

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Saturday Morning

Why is it then when I have every intention to sleep doesn't happen? Last night I stayed up late...for me. I went to bed exhausted, could barely keep my eyes open, what happens I am at my computer at 7am downloading ooVoo. What is ooVoo you may ask yourself? Well, it is a social media player I am going to call it for lack of a better term. You can chat with friends make long distance internet chat calls or the reason I use it is because I have a friend who lives in Janesville and we use it to role play. I am currently running a Pathfinder series called Skulls and Shackles. It's an amazing high seas campaign in which players are gang pressed into becoming pirates. They then must learn the life of a pirate the hard the end of a cat-o-nine tails. They are nearing the end of book 1 of 6. I have managed not to kill anybodies character off and they have managed to keep themselves alive. Hopefully, this continues. I'll keep you updated.

Last night I took my girls to the Girl Scouts 1st Annual Father/Daughter dance. I had a bunch of fun and I hope they did as well. Already looking forward to next year. I even wore a bow tie. It was kinda cool, even if my youngest told me I looked like a nerd.

Today I will be working with the Junior High and Senior High gaming groups from one of our local High School's.  I meet with them most Saturday's to play boardgames, card games and watch movies. It a nice safe environment where we can get our geek on and nobody has to worry about any stigma that comes with being a gamer.

I found a new comic to listen to last night, his name is David Cross. He funny,irreverent and a little dirty. That all aside he does things just to rile people up and he does a good job. On the documentary I was watching last night he did a show in Little Rock Arkansas and for almost 10 minutes he wasn't even able to start his set because he walked on the stage and people started heckling him instantly. It was so bad that the owners or managers came up and apologized to him for how rude the crowd was. I was amazed at how he set them off without really being the reason they went off and how someone apologized to him, when it was really his fault. Then somewhere in Tennessee he was doing a show where the bar owner wouldn't change his tables around to accommodate what David wanted and he bitched about it during the show and was unceremoniously asked to leave. The owner was a complete ass and David took 35 minutes to load his backpack with 2 items just to see how long it would take this guy to snap and after 35 minutes he cut the power to the dressing room. I recommend watching anything David Cross.

Until tomorrow...

Friday, November 9, 2012

Thank You and More

I want to start by saying thank you to everyone who has been coming and checking in on my daily ramblings. It means a lot. Since I started this on November 1 I have had over 150 page views. It may not seem like much, but, it is to me. So Thank-you.

Next let's talk about my challenge. I want to expand Welcome to my Mind-Mare into a pod-cast. To do that though I need your help. I want to have 100 followers to Welcome to my Mind-Mare before I launch the Welcome to my Mind-Mare Pod-cast. My plan for Welcome to my Mind-Mare Pod-cast is to do 30 minutes a week with guests. Here is my challenge to make 30 minutes of interesting and hopefully entertaining  to all my listeners. The catch? I will have no idea what the next show will be about. I will invite guests to come in and THEY pick the topic. I will try to make it interesting even if I know nothing about the topic (kinda like my blog). So if that sounds interesting to you please follow my blog and help me make this a reality.

Coffee...I like it, I really do. The hot, bitter flavor. The smell, the amazing smell. What I don't like...nothing. Coffee at one time was considered the Devil's Brew by the Catholic Church they actually banned followers from drinking it. Weird.

I had dinner last night at City Grill in Wausau. It was amazing. It was amazing for several reasons. First, it was the best piece of steak I think I have ever eaten. It was a tenderloin, marinated in a red wine and basil marinate, grilled to perfection and covered in a morel mushroom jus. It was laid upon a a bed of fresh carrots and asparagus laid upon a wonderful risotto mad with truffles. Second, it was free. I love free food! I would actually pay for that though. Thank you Wausau Daily Herald.

I didn't really have a chance to watch a movie last night so no movie review.

Tonight I have big plans! I have a date with a blonde and a brunette. The best part my wife is fine with it! I am taking my daughters to the Girl Scouts Father/Daughter dance. We are starting our night at Happy Wok for supper and then we are off for a night of dancing! I really love my family and the time I get to spend with them. Tonight will be special and I look forward to it.

Until Tomorrow...

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Me & Teen Wolf!

Thinking about life in general the last few days. I have come to the conclusion that I am one of the luckiest men in the world. I am going to talk about my family today. I have been married for 16 years and it is the best thing I ever did. My wife loves me with out reservation. She is everything to me. She has been with me through everything. We met in high school, dated, went our separate ways, dated, went our separate ways, dated and got married. After 3 years of marriage she gave me our first beautiful daughter, 19 months later she gave me our second beautiful daughter. We have had our high times and our low times, but, I can't see myself with anyone else...ever. Love you baby.

Let's talk about my favorite things:
Food: Lasagna
Drink: Vodka Cranberry (I don't give a shit that you think it's a froo-froo drink, I love it!)
Color: Forest Green
Pants: Levi 626
State: Wisconsin
City: Minneapolis, MN
Animal: Emperor Penguin
Radio Show: Bob and Tom
TV Show: How I Met Your Mother
Movie: Meatballs (At least at the moment)

Last night's movie was Teen Wolf. This movie took me back to 1985. I was 9 years old and Micheal J. Fox was one of the movies hottest commodities. I mean a movie that thew whole plot is about a kid (Fox) who isn't really a nerd, but, not a popular kid either. Plays basketball, poorly. Likes a girl completely out of his league. Then he finds that he has a secret...he's a werewolf. His father is also a werewolf it's a family thing. "I hoped you wouldn't have to deal with this. Sometimes, it skips a generation." Not this time. His best friend "Styles" thinks he can use this to his advantage, though set against the idea after changing on the basketball court (and other than a few gasps, no one seems to have a problem once they start winning) he becomes the town's newest commodity. Then when the championship game is 4 hours away he gets a bout of morals and will no longer become the wolf. He shows up at the game and pep talks the team into believing that they can beat the other team, the Dragons. Their team the Beavers, (yes the Beavers!) work back from the huge deficit they are in and down by one point Teen Wolf is fouled at the buzzer and he has two foul shots! He sinks them both and they win!

Ok, so this is a very formula movie, but,it's cute and a lot of fun. Oh and for a while he gets the hot girl (even has sex with her in her dressing room) in the end he falls for the girl that was throwing herself at him the whole time. My thoughts? WATCH THE MOVIE. Available on netflix.

Until tomorrow...

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Election Results and More.

OK. I am not going to say a lot about the election. I do have a few things to say and then I am done with politics on this blog (until something big that pisses me off happens).

Congratulations to President Obama on his win last night. I respect the President, I respect his office. I respect that he is willing to put his life on hold and running this country in the way he feels is right and I respect him. I do not agree with the way he does it and I will continue to fight his policies and his way he governs and I hope that I am wrong about where this country is going.

So last night we had our weekly gaming group and I had a lot of fun. Currently, we are working against the Lords of Cheliax. They have dispatched a General to come down to the city of Westcrown and install martial law since the Council of Thieves has gone rogue. We have brought together the town nobles, the Hell Knight's, the Fighter's Guild and the Red Caps (Gnomish Warrior's) to help us fight the council. We hope our plan works.

Last Night's Movie: Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back. The final movie of the Kevin Smith Jersey Chronicles. It brings together aspects of all the other movies in the chronicles to have fun in this hi-jinx filled movie. What can be said about a movie that brings together Jay and Bob, hot women, Affleck and Damon and a monkey?  As well as a bevy of cameos by other characters from his movies. This is the second time I have watched this movie. I was not impressed the first time, its been about 5 years since I last watched it and I don't know what was wrong with me the last time. It's a story of two hetero-life-mates that trek to Hollywood to stop the production of a movie that uses their likeness without their permission. Along the way they are used as patsies in a jewel robbery, steal a monkey and meet an angry Chris Rock. I don't want to ruin the movie, but, 4 hot chicks in tight leather makes the horrible acting by some of those girls bearable. I tip my hat to Kev and his group for being great at mediocrity.

So ends another day faithful reader. Until tomorrow...

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election 2012

I don't really want this blog to be political based, but, I would be remiss if I didn't talk about it today.I was in line at 6:45 am today and was still number 67 at my polling place. I think turnout will be at historical highs. I think it is going to be a close race and I think that Mitt Romney will be our next president. Those are my thoughts, I am not going to say who I voted for or why, simply because that is my own business and this is not a political blog. That said go America!

I walked for one hour on a treadmill last night.I have never done that before. I decided on Monday that I was going to get back into everything. Exercising, eating right, watching my insulin closer. I am 36 and I think it is high time I take my health seriously. No I am not going to make this into a health blog or anything. I may talk about things I feel are milestones, but, other than that I will be quiet and suffer in silence for you the reader.

No Shave November continues. Day 6. It itches like a beast today. though tempted to shave it off I will continue to work my way towards the 30 day goal. Men's health is important.

Last night I watched Kevin Smith: Smodimations  and haven't laughed that hard in a long time. Taking and animating their podcasts. WARNING: This is not family friendly, DO NOT watch this with your children or sensitive loved ones. The language is blue, the topics are adult at least if not just perverse. That all said I love it! Watch it, enjoy the genius of Kevin Smith and his cohort Scott Mosier as they transform themselves into creatures and enrapture and enthrall you. When Scott becomes a huge penis with tennis shoes I almost fell off the couch and when Kev got him to "stroke" his neck because he thought he was a giraffe helping get food down his neck I almost wet my pants. 4 Stars...with boob it would have been 5.

That's about it my friends. Until tomorrow...

Monday, November 5, 2012

November 5th

Guy Fawkes day...hmmm why do so many people in America feel a connection to this? It happened in London in 1605. How many people know the story behind it? I have seen the movie V is for Vendetta and it is so off base from the real thing. Guy Fawkes was a member of a Catholic group that was out to assassinate King James I. They wanted to restore a Catholic Monarch to the throne. It never happened on November 5th 1605 Guy Fawkes was caught guarding a stockpile of gun powder underneath the House of Lords. He was tried and sentenced to death. Guy being the great Christian he was (sarcasm) took his own life so as to not be hung and drawn and quartered.

Many people think that Guy Fawkes Day/Night (especially in America) is a peasantry celebration of Guy Fawkes. This it is not. It is actually a celebration of the failed plot ad the fact that King James I survived the plot on his life. They actually burn (in effigy) Guy Fawkes every year.

Read more here on the failed Gunpowder Plot and

Next topic: NO SHAVE NOVEMBER. I have been 5 days without a razor. Not shaving my face or my head for 30 days. I am not getting to the itching part of beard growth. That said though I can deal with that for a few days. no shave is meant to bring awareness to men's health. So if your over 40 guys go get a prostrate exam. If your over 20 make sure to administer self testicular exams checking for anything that seems out of place. If you find something go see your doctor.

Kevin Smith is a story telling genius.
Albert Einstein is a real life genius.

I watched the Avengers again and I like it even more than the first time I saw it. It is a kick ass movie with great action and superb story telling. I am not a big comic book fan so I don't know about any of the plot holes or story misfires, but, I think it was done fantastically. I look forward to the next one.

That about does it for today. See you tomorrow.


Friday, November 2, 2012

Bronco Bama

Day 2: I have to say that today's post is mostly going to be about politics...well a little girls view on politics. There is a 4 year old girl who was crying in Colorado...when asked why she was crying she said she was sick of the commercials for Bronco Bama and Mitt Romney. I agree with that little girl. A year ago I was so gung-ho about politics and I don't know if I petered out or if I am just so overloaded.

Last night I got a call from a national organization focusing on families. I am a family man and I like to focus on families. However, I had a hard time with the argument for voting for Tammy Baldwin and Barack Obama. Gay marriage. Ok, I am a Catholic, I am a family man and a concerned citizen...but, really? Of all the things to vote for or against this is your lead in? I could go on about this, but, I won't. Let's just say I gave them a piece of my mind about what I was thinking and I think I made the young lady cry. i feel bad about it, but, let's look at the issues that are really worth voting about.

So, I have a Bro-mance with Kevin Smith. Actually Kevin is the reason I even thought I could do a blog. I intend at some point to turn this into a podcast as well. My mind runs on so many tracks at once, I am sure I have cloned my trains just to keep all the tracks in use. I hate public transportation that is late or doesn't show up.

How did the butcher introduce his wife? Meet (Meat) Patty! You know because he's a butcher it's funny. This was the first joke my oldest daughter brought home from school. I thought it was so cute.
What's the difference between an orange? When I was a kid this joke was told by Fozzy Bear either on the Muppet show or the cartoon Muppet Babies. I laughed so hard I have never forgotten it.

NO SHAVE NOVEMBER! Started yesterday as did I growing my beard. It looks like I have 28 days to go. I think this will be fun. I am posting daily picture updates on Facebook I recommend you check them out.

Thank-you faithful reader for coming back and checking me out.


Thursday, November 1, 2012

What is "Welcome to my Mindmare"?

This is a question I have been asking myself since early in 2012. Podcast? Blog? Vlog? Then I started thinking, my mind is a lot more jumbled then most people think. So I decided that I would share an insight into my mind and maybe you all can share insight into my (in)sanity.

November 1 2012:
The election between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney is less than a week away. Can't wait for it to be over. I could go into who and why I want to win, but, no need for that. I think we have all decided by now and I'll leave it at that.

Pop-tropica contacted us to play-test our game. Zombie Roller Derby will be play-tested by a group of miniature game professionals so that is cool.

I have been reading "IT" by Stephen King and it's been giving me nightmares so I think I will put it down for a while. I love horror books and usually I can control how horrible my mind goes...this time I think I am so over-stressed with life that I think it is taking care of itself.

I haven't been able to do Martial Arts for over a week because I managed to do some damage to my sucks. I feel old when things like this happen.

What is old? I think your as old as you feel. Which is why some days I am old and some days I'm a kid again. I think that old equals wisdom which is why some people are old at a much younger age. However, I have always wanted to be a kid. I hate the idea of being "old" yet I wish to be the wise person people come to for advice. I have knowledge and wisdom to share. Can you be an old kid?

Work? Why have we decided that this is what we need to do? Money. Yup, money. We all love it. We all need it. We all want to have it. Money, money, money, money, money, money. What good is it?

Let's talk about philosophy. If you clone yourself and then have sex with yourself, is it A. Incest B. Rape C. Masturbation  Discuss...

Ok that's where I leave it for today.

I guess that's what this is...a random thought stream.