Monday, December 31, 2012

2013 The Year of No Excuses and More...

So hiatus is over...I am back. I have been thinking a lot over the last few weeks and have come up with a bunch of ideas that I plan to turn into reality.

2013: The Year of NO EXCUSES.
Here you find a list of my new years resolutions...

  1. Lose weight, a minimum of 100 pounds by next December. There are bench marks...I want to lose 25 pounds by February 14 2013. 50 pounds by April 27 2013. 75 pounds by August 10 2013. 100 Pounds by December 25 2013.
  2. Use social media for more important things than games and stupid pictures. 
  3. Push my Blog more, get Welcome to my Mind-Mare a larger audience.
  4. Get my podcast up and running no later than May 15 2013.
  5. Expand my twitter base, get 100 followers by June 30 2013.
  6. Try to be a better husband and father. Get more involved.
  7. Be a better friend to my friends.
  8. Continue on my path to complete non-use of caffeine and carbonation.
These will happen this year, I will make no excuses and I will succeed in my goals. NO EXCUSES!!

I want to make a point of sports today. Yesterday I was a bit frustrated with my football team (when I peak as if I am a member of said team or an owner it simply shows the heart and desire I have to be a great fan ).

I might have put some relatively negative posts on Facebook, and was told that I was a poor fan and a fair weather fan. I not only think that is absurd  but, it is unfair.  I have been a Packer fan since I started watching football in 1995. I don't ever root for another team, I don't hope for my Packers to do bad when I have a fantasy player in a league up against them. I suppose you could call me a fair weather fan, but, only because the Packers haven't really had a bad season since 1995. That I think is kinda being unfair. As far as voicing displeasure for the team completely acceptable. The played badly yesterday and the end result shows it. They lost and let Minnesota into the play offs, plus threw away a bye week in the playoffs. So instead of having a week to heal and recoup they have to go up against the Minnesota Vikings again next week. It a game that scares me, because, I think the Vikings may want this more. I will cheer for MY Packers, I will hope for the win, I will be upset if we lose. If that is a fair weather or bad fan, then I guess I am.

Until Tomorrow...

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The Hobbit, Presidents and More...

Snugglefuck! I saw that word for the first time in my life this morning and honestly I find it hilarious. It is defined as a "transition from napping/cuddling to sensual foreplay, followed by passionate sex". Then it is followed by this definition "aka I really want to hold you and be close, but, let's go to pound town on the fuck truck." I just about fell out of my chair. Why is it so funny? I really don't know. I do know that even now, hours later when I think about it I laugh...

Does anybody know other words like this? If you do feel free to share them with me below. I like to laugh.

It has been a few days and for that I am sorry, but, with everything going on in life around Christmas it is hard to set aside time everyday to post here. I will do my best and try to make them as funny or insightful as I can. Then starting next year I will get back, hopefully, to my almost daily posts.

I saw the Hobbit over the weekend and I was inspired and worried that there is going to be three installments of the movie. I was a little worried going in that the addition of source material to the story might detract some from the book itself. I was happy to find that was not the case. I was saddened by the fact that they only teased us with Smaug the Terrible in the opening sequence and the end of movie 1. I hope they do him justice, because for me that is what the hobbit is about. Finding your way to the dragon and then in essence slaying said dragon. Or making your way through the trials and tribulations of life and then in the end winning the race by retiring and enjoying your golden years. Overall, I think the Hobbit was well done (Steve Jackson is known to do this) and kept pretty well to the book (if you see the added materials as just that). I would give this movie 3.75 Stars out of 5 Stars.

Merry Christmas everyone! Enjoy your Holiday. I am sure I will be back from time to time over the next couple of weeks, but, it won't be daily.

I leave you with this Top Ten List...

Top Ten US Presidents in Importance. Ranking from here.

10. John Adams - Conservative and Liberal Ranking
09. Lyndon B. Johnson - Liberal Ranking/Dwight D. Eisenhower - Conservative Ranking
08. Harry S. Truman - Liberal Ranking/Woodrow Wilson - Conservative Ranking
07. Andrew Jackson - Liberal Ranking/Harry S. Truman - Conservative Ranking
06. Woodrow Wilson - Liberal Ranking/Andrew Jackson - Conservative Ranking
05. Theodore Roosevelt - Liberal and Conservative Ranking
04. Thomas Jefferson - Liberal and Conservative Ranking
03. George Washington - Liberal Ranking/Franklin D. Roosevelt - Conservative Ranking
02. Franklin D. Roosevelt - Liberal ranking/George Washington - Conservative Ranking
01. Abraham Lincoln - Liberal and Conservative Ranking

Popular Opinion Poll

10. Lyndon B. Johnson
09. Dwight D. Eisenhower
08. John F. Kennedy
07. Thomas Jefferson
06. Woodrow Wilson
05. Harry S. Truman
04. Theodore Roosevelt
03. George Washington
02. Franklin D. Roosevelt
01. Abraham Lincoln

This tells me that for the most part liberals and conservative agree on who is the best presidents. If that is the case wouldn't that tell you that they also agree on politics for the most part? If that is the case why does nothing get done in Washington DC?

Until Next Time...

Friday, December 14, 2012

A Sad Day

It seems once again that sadness has marred the day. As of the writing of this blog there are 27 people murdered in Newton Connecticut. It seems 2 gun men opened fire in an elementary school. Today, is a sad day that will not be forgotten for a long time in the halls of Sandy Hook Elementary.

One of the gunmen is dead and the other is on the run. There is so much going on in this city and in the minds and hearts of those affected by this horrible tragedy.

As a parent this image strikes my heart stronger than any other I have seen.
Thanks to ABC News for the photo.

This man was one of the lucky, he left this place with his children. You can see the relief and pain on his face as he is lucky enough to still have his children.

What kind of a person walks into a kindergarten class and open fire on a bunch of kids? A sick person or persons is all I can figure.

Join with myself and I am sure the rest of the world and pray for those who have lost loved ones, those that have lost children, those who still have children, the children who will have a long healing process to get through this ordeal that they have went through.

I do not agree with what the gun men did, but, pray for them as well. Pray that the one still alive finds it in his heart to stand up for what he did and take what he owes society as a man. Pray that he finds Christ and allows him as his personal Savior and can find a way to repent for what he has done.

That is all I will say today.

Until Tomorrow...

For more

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Boring Stuff and more...

I just finished listening to the (5) books of the Belgarion series of books by David Eddings. It was fun and took a few weeks (I have been listening to them only at work). I have now started listening to the next series of (5) books in the overall series called the Mallorean. These are also by David Eddings. It was an enjoyable read when I read them, but, this was an awesome listen. Kept my attention as well as allowing me to work.

The main owner of our company is making a trip to see us today. He is a nice enough guy, nut, it always makes me nervous when he shows up at the office. However, free lunch is always nice.

Last night I bought some new gaming books. I bought the (3) books I needed to finish off the game I am running called Skulls and Shackles. Now I don't need to worry about them going out of print and not being able to get them when I need them. I also bought a new support book called the NPC Codex. This is a book that has over 300 Non-Player Characters (NPC) already made up. They range from 1st level to 20th level. In all the core book races and classes and some of the specialty classes mixed in for good measure. As a GM it will be a god send for those moments when you need a NPC like now. I will give you more updates on this as I get a chance to look through it tonight. I think it will be worth every cent of the $40 I paid for it.

I really don't have a whole lot to say enjoy the day and...

Until Tomorrow...

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Return, Caffeine and More...

I have returned! Like the King I am back. (That is a LotR inference) I took some time off and then I took a few more days off, but, I have returned. The show is done and was a fantastic run! I want to thank everyone that I performed with during the run, it was absolutely a joy. More specifically I want to thank Artista! and  Scott Fritsche. Scott is my brother from another mother. I have worked with him many times, and enjoyed them all. That said it was touching that when his group came into an issue he asked me to fill the spot. It was a rough 2 weeks ass I worked to memorize my lines. We had great crowds and a whole lot of fun. Then as a group after the final show we watched the Packers beat the Lions on Sunday night! I can not wait to work with The Artista Players again!

Caffeine. Soda, coffee, tea I am giving it all up. This is day 2 of said cold turkey and I think it is killing me. I never thought of it as an addiction, but, with the way that today is going it can't be much else. I am going through classic withdrawal symptoms. I get the sweats, the tics, the headaches, the sore joints. Why do I do this to myself you ask? Because my doctors and my chiropractor tell me it will be good for me and may help me lose weight. So I am giving it hell! I hope it works.

I have been trying very hard to get into the Christmas Spirit without a whole lot of success. We have hung the lights, we have decked the halls, we have decorated the tree, I have been listening to Christmas music almost non-stop. Yet, the mood slips from me. What can I do to catch the spirit?

Until Tomorrow...

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Irish/Italian Wedding: A Climate for Murder

I want to thank Bubbles for this synopsis of the show happening this weekend...

Artista! Players' Murder Mystery Dinner Theater

Irish/Italian Wedding
A Climate for Murder

December 7, 8 and 9

The Hoffman House, Best Western

Performances begin at 6:00 PM each evening.

The Wedding will unite the O’Shannahan Family with the Antinassio Family as Eileen and Joey share in their nuptials. All does not appear as festive as it may seem as the guests may sense a little greed, jealousy and perhaps even conspiracy. The reception may turn into a crime scene and those in attendance engage with the actors to solve this extremely fun and interactive murder mystery dinner theater.

Show tickets are $35 and must be purchased in advance. The ticket includes the performance and a three course dinner served with coffee. A cash bar is available. Entrée selections are:

Prime Rib
Chicken Coq Au Vin
Salmon with Dill Sauce.

Start your holiday season with this unique and unusually unorthodox murder mystery held at the Hoffman House, Best Western on December 7, 8 and 9, starting at 6:00 PM.

RSVP to Bubbles, step-mother of the groom, at 715-571-9272, or secure your reservations at Please indicate your meal selection and if you are a guest of the bride or the groom.

I am afraid that I don't have a whole lot to talk about with show getting into full swing. I apologize for that and will work harder to do better in the future.

For today take a look at this and realize how sometimes things that are meant to be funny end up being less than Here

Until Tomorrow...


Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Features, Murder and More...

Loyal readers I wanted to let you know that I have added some new features to the blog. They can be found along side the blog in the area under the list of current titles. What have I added and how does it help you? Excellent question sir (or madam)! First off, I have made it easier to share my blog especially if your a Google+ subscriber. I have also made it easier for those of you who don't have Google + to follow by email. Those are two new options. To encourage more of you to follow and share my blog I am having yet another give away. I will contact the winner via email and announce on the blog the winner of this contest.  This contest ends when I have 1000 page views and just checking I have hit 700. Your only eligible IF you are a follower of my blog. I will draw a name from all current followers as of that day and announce their name. Now, there are other things going on here as well. I will be drawing a random name for every 20 followers up to 100. So at levels of 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100. So 5 levels of special prizes, the sooner you follow the more chances you have to win. So follow me now. When I have 100 followers I will shortly there after launch my podcast.

I have also been active on Twitter since December 1st. I have a few followers there and would like more. I am using it to mention a couple a things through out each day as well as a way to spread my blog out even more. If you are a Google+ member find me at chad180knight and let's be friends! I am on a push to get this up and running.

Murder! That's right, there is a murderer afoot! Come and see if you can finger the guilty party. That's right Artista! Players is getting ready to launch Irish/Italian Wedding: A Climate for Murder is showing this weekend December 7 - 9 each night at 7 pm. Come one night or come every night, it is a different show each night. You may ask why would it be different? The answer is audience involvement! That's right each and every one of the audience members are involved as well, you could be the murderer or you could be the gum shoe that cracks the case. Come on down and check us out at the Hoffman House in Wausau, WI. Get your tickets here. I hope to see you there!

Lists...why do I love them? Well, that really is misleading. As you can tell if your a regular reader of this blog I make lists, I use other peoples lists. I make funny lists and I make list type lists. Top Ten Lists and bottom ten lists. Lists of Phobias and joke punch lines. Why? Honestly, they take up space and in most cases I find the lists to be funny or informative. Funny, Top Ten Joke Punchlines (As I was typing this one out, I was actually trying to figure out what the joke may have been), Phobias A - Z, etc... Informative Lists, Phobias A - Z and Best Tasting Mythical Creatures (you know things you can use).  Mostly I like to use other peoples lists and I will give them credit when I do. There will be a link somewhere before or after the list to take you to the respected website...if I find them in print I will let you know where they are from. I just love lists. So here we go with today's list...

Things I need at the Grocery Store...

  • Milk
  • Bread
  • Coffee Creamer
  • Salad Fixings
  • Gatorade
  • Canned Vegetables
  • Ground Beef
  • Bacon
  • Chips and Dip
  • Bananas
  • Apples
  • Deodorant
There you go the perfect list, informative and funny!

Until Tomorrow...

Monday, December 3, 2012

Christmas, Followers and Phobias

I would like to talk about Christmas and the spirit of Christmas. For a lot of people there are two Christmases the day of gifts and family and food. Then there is the Christmas of religion. I want to talk about both of them in a overview kind of way. Let's start with the religious overview. I will admit that I will becoming at this form a Catholic point of view, but, I think most Christian religions will know this point of view on the holiday.

Let's look at what Christmas is. It's a celebration! It's a birth. The birth of Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus was born in Bethlehem while his parents returned there for a census that was being taken by Cesar. In those days Israel was a part of the Roman Empire. Since Joseph, Jesus' stepfather was from Bethlehem he and his wife Mary went forth to Bethlehem. There on December 25th born unto us to save the world was Jesus Christ...the son of God was now also the son of man. Upon his birth it is said that a star appeared in the sky it shined both day and night and it hung above the stable and manger that Jesus was born in. This star brought forth many who wanted to see what miracle had happened in their land. There came onto Jesus shepherds and wise men from afar. So Christmas is a time of rejoicing and excitement among the Church. It is also that way among the non-believing...

Christmas is a marketing scheme...I know that sounds bold, brash and maybe even a little jaded. I will back this up and trust me, I love Christmas in the religious way as well as in the non-religious way. I just think of how evil the world has become in the marketing of Christmas. Let's start with stores. Back in October, yes October, before Halloween there as I walked into the local mall was Christmas items...not many, but, they were there. I looked at my wife and I said "Really? There starting this shit already?" to which she remarked "Yes dear." I found this to be an insult to the consumer. I don't know about you, but, I find that I do most of my Christmas shopping at 5 pm on Christmas eve. I understand those of you who aren't as last minute as I am, but, damn do you really start before Halloween? Let's jump forward to Thanksgiving a few weeks ago. There was no sign of Thanksgiving anywhere left in the was now Christmas in full swing. The music had started, the sales have started (Black Friday is something else entirely) and where is Thanksgiving? MIA. When I was a kid, you never saw Christmas at Halloween and even at Thanksgiving time it was there, but, in the background. Why does it seem that we need to celebrate Christmas year round? Christmas starts in October and doesn't really and until February and then Christmas in July (which has various sales from June to August) so Christmas is being shoved down your throat for 8 months a year! I guess I'm old fashioned and believe that a special day should be just that special. However, forcing it down our throats for so lng ever year just seems kind of over kill. Take my rantings for what they are, me being old and jaded about certain things.

FOLLOWERS! I need them. I have posted about this before. I have tried to make it a easy as possible. I want you as my followers! Again I am giving you a fancy link word to click on. I am in a push to get 100 followers by February and only you can make this happen. I know many of you read this blog, but, why not follow it? I am giving away a prize for every 20 followers I get. We are on our way to the first 20, but with every 20 up to the first 100 there is going to be a prize. Randomly selected from those who are followers. I am not to proud to beg..."PLEASE, PLEASE FOLLOW MY BLOG!!"

Here is my Random List for today.

From A-Z the random Phobia List...

  1. Ambulophobia- Fear of walking
  2. Bolshephobia- Fear of Bolsheviks
  3. Coprastasophobia- Fear of constipation
  4. Dipsophobia- Fear of drinking
  5. Ephebiphobia- Fear of teenagers
  6. Francophobia- Fear of France or French culture
  7. Gelotophobia- Fear of being laughed at
  8. Hypsiphobia- Fear of height
  9. Ithyphallophobia- Fear of seeing, thinking about or having an erect penis
  10. Japanophobia- Fear of Japanese
  11. Koinoniphobia- Fear of rooms
  12. Logizomechanophobia- Fear of computers
  13. Myrmecophobia- Fear of ants
  14. Nephophobia- Fear of clouds
  15. Olfactophobia- Fear of smells
  16. Philemaphobia or Philematophobia- Fear of kissing
  17. Rhypophobia- Fear of defecation
  18. Spermatophobia or Spermophobia- Fear of germs
  19. Tonitrophobia- Fear of thunder
  20. Uranophobia or Ouranophobia- Fear of heaven
  21. Vitricophobia- Fear of step-father
  22. Wiccaphobia: Fear of witches and witchcraft
  23. Xerophobia- Fear of dryness
  24. Zemmiphobia- Fear of the great mole rat
I want to thank the guys at Phobia List for the help with this.

Until Tomorrow...

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Serenity and Is it Real and More...

Today a friend started running a Serenity role-playing game. This is a game based on the cannon of the Firefly TV series and the Serenity movie. If your not familiar with the TV series or the movie I recommend that you give them a look, especially if your a sci-fi type. You can find them both on Netflix. The role-playing game is interesting, starting with the dice that are used. If your used to a D20 type game this game is similar, but, different. Dice used are the D2, D4, D6, D8, D10 and D12. There is no use for a D20. It is a point buy system, meaning you do not roll your attributes you purchase them at a level you want based on how many points you have available. I made a kind of "Jack of All Trades" character and was also put in a position of being a face of the party and the 1st mate. There is also another aspect to my character that is a little different for the heroes of most games. My character has a vindictive side. It will quiet possibly come to bear its ugly head on the group. I don't think it will destroy the party, but, it will make for a very intense game setting. I think it will be fun. I wish I could give you more, but, people I play with do read this blog and wouldn't want to give them all my secrets...would I Tom?

I have been watching a show lately called "Is It Real?" It was originally aired on the National Geographic channel. I watch it on netflix. They investigate a number of strange happenings. Things such as Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, vampires, the Bermuda Triangle and many others. I like the series because they use science and believers and skeptics alike to look at stories and different aspects of the stories to get you thinking about what you believe and what is real. I say check this one out as well. It's worth it.

I am now the happy wearer of mutton-chops. That was the final winning vote from the blog, Facebook and Google+ poll. I think I might keep them longer than one month. I think they look sharp. I need very soon to run so I'll say goodnight for now.

Until Tomorrow...