Thursday, December 13, 2012

Boring Stuff and more...

I just finished listening to the (5) books of the Belgarion series of books by David Eddings. It was fun and took a few weeks (I have been listening to them only at work). I have now started listening to the next series of (5) books in the overall series called the Mallorean. These are also by David Eddings. It was an enjoyable read when I read them, but, this was an awesome listen. Kept my attention as well as allowing me to work.

The main owner of our company is making a trip to see us today. He is a nice enough guy, nut, it always makes me nervous when he shows up at the office. However, free lunch is always nice.

Last night I bought some new gaming books. I bought the (3) books I needed to finish off the game I am running called Skulls and Shackles. Now I don't need to worry about them going out of print and not being able to get them when I need them. I also bought a new support book called the NPC Codex. This is a book that has over 300 Non-Player Characters (NPC) already made up. They range from 1st level to 20th level. In all the core book races and classes and some of the specialty classes mixed in for good measure. As a GM it will be a god send for those moments when you need a NPC like now. I will give you more updates on this as I get a chance to look through it tonight. I think it will be worth every cent of the $40 I paid for it.

I really don't have a whole lot to say enjoy the day and...

Until Tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. I just finished the hunger games last week and i finished Because of winn-dixie today bwahahaha
