Monday, December 3, 2012

Christmas, Followers and Phobias

I would like to talk about Christmas and the spirit of Christmas. For a lot of people there are two Christmases the day of gifts and family and food. Then there is the Christmas of religion. I want to talk about both of them in a overview kind of way. Let's start with the religious overview. I will admit that I will becoming at this form a Catholic point of view, but, I think most Christian religions will know this point of view on the holiday.

Let's look at what Christmas is. It's a celebration! It's a birth. The birth of Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus was born in Bethlehem while his parents returned there for a census that was being taken by Cesar. In those days Israel was a part of the Roman Empire. Since Joseph, Jesus' stepfather was from Bethlehem he and his wife Mary went forth to Bethlehem. There on December 25th born unto us to save the world was Jesus Christ...the son of God was now also the son of man. Upon his birth it is said that a star appeared in the sky it shined both day and night and it hung above the stable and manger that Jesus was born in. This star brought forth many who wanted to see what miracle had happened in their land. There came onto Jesus shepherds and wise men from afar. So Christmas is a time of rejoicing and excitement among the Church. It is also that way among the non-believing...

Christmas is a marketing scheme...I know that sounds bold, brash and maybe even a little jaded. I will back this up and trust me, I love Christmas in the religious way as well as in the non-religious way. I just think of how evil the world has become in the marketing of Christmas. Let's start with stores. Back in October, yes October, before Halloween there as I walked into the local mall was Christmas items...not many, but, they were there. I looked at my wife and I said "Really? There starting this shit already?" to which she remarked "Yes dear." I found this to be an insult to the consumer. I don't know about you, but, I find that I do most of my Christmas shopping at 5 pm on Christmas eve. I understand those of you who aren't as last minute as I am, but, damn do you really start before Halloween? Let's jump forward to Thanksgiving a few weeks ago. There was no sign of Thanksgiving anywhere left in the was now Christmas in full swing. The music had started, the sales have started (Black Friday is something else entirely) and where is Thanksgiving? MIA. When I was a kid, you never saw Christmas at Halloween and even at Thanksgiving time it was there, but, in the background. Why does it seem that we need to celebrate Christmas year round? Christmas starts in October and doesn't really and until February and then Christmas in July (which has various sales from June to August) so Christmas is being shoved down your throat for 8 months a year! I guess I'm old fashioned and believe that a special day should be just that special. However, forcing it down our throats for so lng ever year just seems kind of over kill. Take my rantings for what they are, me being old and jaded about certain things.

FOLLOWERS! I need them. I have posted about this before. I have tried to make it a easy as possible. I want you as my followers! Again I am giving you a fancy link word to click on. I am in a push to get 100 followers by February and only you can make this happen. I know many of you read this blog, but, why not follow it? I am giving away a prize for every 20 followers I get. We are on our way to the first 20, but with every 20 up to the first 100 there is going to be a prize. Randomly selected from those who are followers. I am not to proud to beg..."PLEASE, PLEASE FOLLOW MY BLOG!!"

Here is my Random List for today.

From A-Z the random Phobia List...

  1. Ambulophobia- Fear of walking
  2. Bolshephobia- Fear of Bolsheviks
  3. Coprastasophobia- Fear of constipation
  4. Dipsophobia- Fear of drinking
  5. Ephebiphobia- Fear of teenagers
  6. Francophobia- Fear of France or French culture
  7. Gelotophobia- Fear of being laughed at
  8. Hypsiphobia- Fear of height
  9. Ithyphallophobia- Fear of seeing, thinking about or having an erect penis
  10. Japanophobia- Fear of Japanese
  11. Koinoniphobia- Fear of rooms
  12. Logizomechanophobia- Fear of computers
  13. Myrmecophobia- Fear of ants
  14. Nephophobia- Fear of clouds
  15. Olfactophobia- Fear of smells
  16. Philemaphobia or Philematophobia- Fear of kissing
  17. Rhypophobia- Fear of defecation
  18. Spermatophobia or Spermophobia- Fear of germs
  19. Tonitrophobia- Fear of thunder
  20. Uranophobia or Ouranophobia- Fear of heaven
  21. Vitricophobia- Fear of step-father
  22. Wiccaphobia: Fear of witches and witchcraft
  23. Xerophobia- Fear of dryness
  24. Zemmiphobia- Fear of the great mole rat
I want to thank the guys at Phobia List for the help with this.

Until Tomorrow...

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