Thursday, November 15, 2012

ZRD and Father Issues

Check out Zombie Roller Derby web page and get tuned into an awesome board game. It has everything you want in a board game. Its got action, it's got replay ability, it's got hot zombie girls.What else could you possibly want in a board game? Maybe it would help you if you knew someone who was involved in the creation of the game? Well, here I am. It is my brain child. My concept and Carl's rules. Carl better known as Simon T. Vesper is the genius behind the rule set. You can look at the rule set, see the board and some of the art work out at this website. The more of you that come and check this out, pass it around, tell your friends the faster this will become a reality. A great game with roller derby, Molotov cocktails, gun shots and the occasional loose zombies...come check it out. That is my shameless pitch for this.
Facebook page: ZRD on Facebook

Top 10 Bands of All Time as per Jaxion...

10. Gun's N Roses (Circa 1990)
9. Oasis
8. Nirvana
7. Twisted Sister
6. Van Halen (David Lee Roth Years)
5. Areosmith
4. Poison
3. Black Sabbath
2. Bon Jovi
1. The Beatles

The brain goes where the brain goes. The brain is in a frenzy today. I want to talk about the trip I am going on in April. My youngest daughter and I will be heading to Gettysburg, PA and Hershey, PA. This is technically a  school trip. She will be doing a project related to both locations. In Gettysburg we will be checking out the battlefield and some of the museums in the area. We will also be checking out the cemetery where a goodly number of the fallen soldiers from the civil war are buried. We will be doing that for (2) days.  Then, from there we will head up to Hershey. We are going to spend one day in the Hershey museum to learn about the history of the city and the candy factory that is still there today. Then our last day will be spent at the Hershey Amusement Park. The fun of the trip. I am hoping this trip will be as much fun for her as I am hoping it will be as I am planning it. I also hope this will be a chance for her and I to bond.

As my girls get older I feel more like they want less to do with me. I know it is part of growing up and that they need their space. I want them to remember that I am there for them, there if they need to talk. That I love them and they mean the world to me. That I do a lot of what I do in my life to make their lives better. I want them to have a childhood they want to remember, they remember fondly.

Thanks for reading my little father issues...
Until Tomorrow...

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