Monday, November 26, 2012

No Shave November and More...

Day 26 of no shave November is here. There is only 4 days left. Friday is the end. I am putting a question out to all of you. On December 1st I will be shaving my head and losing all this annoying hair. But that leaves my facial hair and here is the big question...what should I do? I refuse to be completely shaven! I look like a 12 year old cue ball. So I am going to let my followers on the blog and on twitter and my friends on Facebook vote on a few styles or give their own suggestions. Here are my choices and feel free to suggest others. No specific order...

  1. Full Beard - No hair, full beard
  2. Van Dyke 
  3. Soul Patch
  4. Mustache
  5. Mutton Chops
  6. Suggestions?
I will wear the facial hair style that wins for one month and on January 1st 2013 I will go back to my normal hair/facial hair styles that I see fit.

I will take this time to discuss a bet that I made with my daughter. She was driving me cray talking about this band she obsesses over. It is called One Direction and from what I have garnered from her insistent talking they are a band from England, except for on of them who is from Ireland. The best way to explain the band is a Boy Band and she would be a fan girl. Better known in their own ranks as a Directioner. The worst thing you can be is a Directionater. You see a Directionater is one who thinks they are a Directioner. It seems that I am no longer allowed at my daughters wedding to Liam (one of the members) because I might have suggested that she would never marry the young man and if she did I wanted a large dowery in the form of a check. I was informed that I would be giving her away via some sort of audio media and/or perhaps Skype. I digress, the bet was that she could not go a whole day with out talking about, looking at pictures of, listening to the music of One Direction. The bet was that if she won she got the extended version of both of the One Direction CD's. If I was right she would pay me $8.00. I figured it was easy money for me. That said I lost. She went from wake up to bed time Sunday without uttering one thing about One Direction. She won, I must now pay up and buy her the CD's. I don't get how bets with children work. I am out approximately $30, she would be out $8. The things we do for our children. Because we love them.

As a side note, I know so little about One Direction I am lower than a Directionater. :-)

Reality has finally struck, it's Monday and the Holiday is over. 4 days off and now I am back at work...somebody shoot me!

Remember, looking for 100 followers, please follow and pass around to your friends...See here for directions on following.

Until Tomorrow...

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