Friday, November 2, 2012

Bronco Bama

Day 2: I have to say that today's post is mostly going to be about politics...well a little girls view on politics. There is a 4 year old girl who was crying in Colorado...when asked why she was crying she said she was sick of the commercials for Bronco Bama and Mitt Romney. I agree with that little girl. A year ago I was so gung-ho about politics and I don't know if I petered out or if I am just so overloaded.

Last night I got a call from a national organization focusing on families. I am a family man and I like to focus on families. However, I had a hard time with the argument for voting for Tammy Baldwin and Barack Obama. Gay marriage. Ok, I am a Catholic, I am a family man and a concerned citizen...but, really? Of all the things to vote for or against this is your lead in? I could go on about this, but, I won't. Let's just say I gave them a piece of my mind about what I was thinking and I think I made the young lady cry. i feel bad about it, but, let's look at the issues that are really worth voting about.

So, I have a Bro-mance with Kevin Smith. Actually Kevin is the reason I even thought I could do a blog. I intend at some point to turn this into a podcast as well. My mind runs on so many tracks at once, I am sure I have cloned my trains just to keep all the tracks in use. I hate public transportation that is late or doesn't show up.

How did the butcher introduce his wife? Meet (Meat) Patty! You know because he's a butcher it's funny. This was the first joke my oldest daughter brought home from school. I thought it was so cute.
What's the difference between an orange? When I was a kid this joke was told by Fozzy Bear either on the Muppet show or the cartoon Muppet Babies. I laughed so hard I have never forgotten it.

NO SHAVE NOVEMBER! Started yesterday as did I growing my beard. It looks like I have 28 days to go. I think this will be fun. I am posting daily picture updates on Facebook I recommend you check them out.

Thank-you faithful reader for coming back and checking me out.



  1. I remember that joke! I think Fozzy told it on the Muppet Show.

  2. Loved Fozzy because he got picked on a lot...I'm a sucker for that mockery crap.
