Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The Hobbit, Presidents and More...

Snugglefuck! I saw that word for the first time in my life this morning and honestly I find it hilarious. It is defined as a "transition from napping/cuddling to sensual foreplay, followed by passionate sex". Then it is followed by this definition "aka I really want to hold you and be close, but, let's go to pound town on the fuck truck." I just about fell out of my chair. Why is it so funny? I really don't know. I do know that even now, hours later when I think about it I laugh...

Does anybody know other words like this? If you do feel free to share them with me below. I like to laugh.

It has been a few days and for that I am sorry, but, with everything going on in life around Christmas it is hard to set aside time everyday to post here. I will do my best and try to make them as funny or insightful as I can. Then starting next year I will get back, hopefully, to my almost daily posts.

I saw the Hobbit over the weekend and I was inspired and worried that there is going to be three installments of the movie. I was a little worried going in that the addition of source material to the story might detract some from the book itself. I was happy to find that was not the case. I was saddened by the fact that they only teased us with Smaug the Terrible in the opening sequence and the end of movie 1. I hope they do him justice, because for me that is what the hobbit is about. Finding your way to the dragon and then in essence slaying said dragon. Or making your way through the trials and tribulations of life and then in the end winning the race by retiring and enjoying your golden years. Overall, I think the Hobbit was well done (Steve Jackson is known to do this) and kept pretty well to the book (if you see the added materials as just that). I would give this movie 3.75 Stars out of 5 Stars.

Merry Christmas everyone! Enjoy your Holiday. I am sure I will be back from time to time over the next couple of weeks, but, it won't be daily.

I leave you with this Top Ten List...

Top Ten US Presidents in Importance. Ranking from here.

10. John Adams - Conservative and Liberal Ranking
09. Lyndon B. Johnson - Liberal Ranking/Dwight D. Eisenhower - Conservative Ranking
08. Harry S. Truman - Liberal Ranking/Woodrow Wilson - Conservative Ranking
07. Andrew Jackson - Liberal Ranking/Harry S. Truman - Conservative Ranking
06. Woodrow Wilson - Liberal Ranking/Andrew Jackson - Conservative Ranking
05. Theodore Roosevelt - Liberal and Conservative Ranking
04. Thomas Jefferson - Liberal and Conservative Ranking
03. George Washington - Liberal Ranking/Franklin D. Roosevelt - Conservative Ranking
02. Franklin D. Roosevelt - Liberal ranking/George Washington - Conservative Ranking
01. Abraham Lincoln - Liberal and Conservative Ranking

Popular Opinion Poll

10. Lyndon B. Johnson
09. Dwight D. Eisenhower
08. John F. Kennedy
07. Thomas Jefferson
06. Woodrow Wilson
05. Harry S. Truman
04. Theodore Roosevelt
03. George Washington
02. Franklin D. Roosevelt
01. Abraham Lincoln

This tells me that for the most part liberals and conservative agree on who is the best presidents. If that is the case wouldn't that tell you that they also agree on politics for the most part? If that is the case why does nothing get done in Washington DC?

Until Next Time...

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