Thursday, February 7, 2013

NO EXCUSES Explained

So I am a month and 1 day into my year of NO EXCUSES and let's see where we are. I am down about 4 pounds. I know that doesn't sound like a lot and maybe in the weight loss thing it isn't. I do think the weight will start to catch up with me as I continue on. If nothing else my life has gotten better. I can last longer when exercising. I am starting to miss exercising when I can't get it in. I am eating way less and way better than I did before. I can tell a difference in my clothing and I like it. My pants are looser, my shorts hang better. the weight will come.

One of my biggest issues with the actual loss of weight is that I have a disease in my legs called Lympodema. It doesn't really do anything other than make me retain fluids. The lymphatic system just can't keep up so I get a lot of fluid build up in my legs and as we all know fluids cause weight gain. I can literally gain and or lose 10 - 20 pounds (due to fluid) in a single day. It makes the whole weight loss thing very frustrating. I know you may be thinking "Hey isn't that just an excuse?" You know I take seriously this year of NO EXCUSES so I would like to say that no it isn't an excuse it's just hard, cold facts. The doctors say that losing weight may help to alleviate the issues, but, it's not a guarantee. that is partly why i started this journey.  I hate having these monster legs, they make it hard to wear socks and shoes sometimes, they make it hard to wear pants and especially dress slacks. They hurt, they look bad, they make me weigh more than I should. What's to like? Nothing, so if losing weight gets rid of them, I say more power to me.

What else will this new lease on life do for me? I am also a diabetic, I have been for just over 20 years. Getting into shape and losing weight will make it easier for me to control my diabetes. What comes with better control of my diabetes? Better control of my life. Less insulin, less medications to take. Doctors say if I drop the weight and control my diabetes I could in theory lose all my blood pressure medicines and hopefully my water pills. In theory i could even control my acid re-flux without medicine. Down to just a small amount of insulin, that would make me happy.

I want to thank you all for your continued support of my efforts and I look forward to my success through this year and the coming years. Please continue to follow me and be my cheerleaders and I will continue the year of NO EXCUSES through 2013 and beyond.

Until next time...

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